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Sieci społecznościowe Styl życia
Desenvolvedor: gary krane

Since 2015, based on extensive problem/solution interviews with many top grassroots organizers across the country, with concerned individuals not yet turned activists, & with activist techies, our small startup team has developed a one-stop highly innovative digital tool chest--a web-app & native app called WinWisely.

Our goal is to go far in solving organizings (electoral, grass roots issue-based, & direct action) biggest challenge, what some organizers call ”the mother of all challenges:”

How can progressive causes recruit massively larger numbers of volunteers to do much bigger tasks than just show up at a protest? & Conversely, how can the 2-5M potential activist volunteers out there quickly & easily find a campaign that strongly resonates with their personal social change passion(s) & their social & work-style needs (e.g. childcare, friendship, transport, desire to be a leader, to work in more introverted roles, to be creative, to get supporter housing, etc.)

Our Solution:
WinWisely is essentially “kickstarter, peer-bonding & more meets movement organizing.” We seek to pioneer nothing less than a new model in organizing (recruitment & commitment in particular). WinWisely is a unique combination of 4 functionalities:
· crowdacting: Like crowdfunding but for actions like canvassing, going on strike, non-violent resistance, unsubscribing from Verizon & joining X company, etc.),
· peer-bonding –informing potential volunteers of those in their hood with similar interests/hobbies/passions & motivation levels
· behavioral economics: the systematic removal of barriers that prevent people from taking action (crowdacting being one example of a behavioral economics measure);

· choice expansion: giving users as many as 20 roles to choose amongst to meet their personal needs, from roles more suitable to introverts such as data entry or peer texting, to roles for extroverts like canvassing & phone banking. Choice expansion is a tactic already developed, tested & proven last year by, & now being further perfected vis a vis several top races in AZ), as well as on the study of those factors involved in past successful social justice, environmental & political campaigns & movements;

· social rewards: enabling those unable or unwilling to do the needed activist actions to support the activists in a variety of creative & needed ways

WinWisely’s current version is intended to enable Democratic campaigns in toss-up US Senate race states to “bring in the cavalry” in these last critical days before the midterms. We might at least be in time to rapidly recruit & commit sufficient numbers of sufficiently militant troops to successful overturn stolen elections due for example to GOP initiated voter purge tactics, or actual electronic flipping of voter counts.

We also hope to perfect the app so that, starting Jan/Feb 2019, regardless of who controls Congress, we can be a powerful tool for organizations like Indivisible to get Democrat & moderate GOP members of Congress to pass critically important urgent legislation to achieve a Green New Deal, Medicare for all, & other economic justice legislation, while simultaneously helping non Congressional grassroots campaigns to achieve local victories for economic, climate, social & healthcare justice causes.

For what 20 top organizers & activist IT pros have to say, scroll down our one pager to our reviews site at A 3-minute animation & a video of the forthcoming issue-based app can be seen on request. WinWisely(.)org contains reviews from 20 top organizers & tech activists including Indivisible’s top tech adviser

Even 200 extra volunteers in a critical swing US Senate state in these last moments can make the difference. WinWisely will be free & open source. We have openings. FMI: [email protected]